Is it time to create a life full

of ease, joy, and glory?

About your coach.

Penny Tonkin is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and an Empowerment Coach.

Penny ventured down this path as a result of a big awakening. After 28 years running a family business, she received numerous taps on her shoulder to follow her purpose.

From discovering Tony Robbins in 2014, she attended Unleash the Power Within, Date With Destiny, Life and Wealth Mastery courses which awakened her passion to create new possibilities for herself and people who wanted more.

In 2018, Penny discovered Juliet Lever and empowered herselt to be a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, and a Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy. In 2019 she became a Practitioner of Hypnotherapy.

In 2020, Penny discovered Access Consciousness Bars and created huge changes with her increase in awareness, body, and increased her receiving of money. Penny was inspired by this healing modality and amazed by the changes that she has facilitated in peoples' mind and their body.

When Penny is not working, things she enjoys are:

·       Quality time with her son

·       Moving her body by walking or at the gym

·       Hanging out with her friends

·       A glass of wine

"I am completely obsessed with empowering people to move through the blocks that are holding them back in their body, business, money, and life. For me, every day I am creating new possibilities. If you've ever wondered if something else is possible - I invite you to choose you and discover more." ~ Penny Tonkin

Access Bars Class

Would you like to clear all the junk in your head?

Access a sense of peace you've never experienced before?

Delete the beliefs stopping you from creating the life you've always known is possible?

Wake up excited to get out of bed every morning?

Did you know, 98% of the things that stick us in our life, that keeps us repeating the same patterns over and over again, are energetic-limiting beliefs and points of view we're not even conscious of.

And did you know, there is a technique called the Access Bars® which can clear all of the junk in your head, easily and effortlessly - without having to know where it all comes from - and you can learn this technique in just one day?

The Foundation

The Foundation class is designed to break the foundation of what you think is your reality, so you can create the reality that works for you.

The Access Bars®

Would you like to delete the files in your head stopping you from creating the life you always knew was possible?

Do you have a mind that won't stop, anxiety, depression, lots of stress in your life, or PTSD?

Would you like to experience more peace, ease, joy, and abundance in your life?

Book in for an Access Bars® session or class today!

"After many years of anxiety, panic attacks, hopelessness, guilt and frustration, lack of self-worth, and a host of other things that this life has given me, I finally can see what I consider HOPE and a brilliant LIGHT at the end of a very long, dark, tunnel.

Access Bars® has given me the tools to navigate this mental minefield of life with understanding and clarity and I can actually feel an internal freedom I did not thing possible until now.

With Thanks and much Appreciation,



An Energy Pull


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Penny Tonkin